Employee Obligations and Record-keeping
During the budget for 2018-19 a lot of emphasis was placed on Employee Obligations, on how to ensure they are met and how to monitor them. A significant budget allocation was made for the ATO to achieve this goal.
One such Monitoring mechanism was Single Touch Payroll. Another was Employee Obligations Audit.
Below we take a quick look at the Main Areas to review:
- Super has to be paid if the monthly Gross is $ 450 or above.
- Super has to be paid for Directors and Contractors (In certain cases)
- Current Super rate is 9.5% of the Gross Income (Some income components may not qualify for Super)
- Super has to be paid within 3 Weeks of end of the period, in most cases this is Qtrly.
- Super which is paid outside of its due date is not claimable as an expense in the Income Tax Return, this can significantly affect your tax liability.
- Late or unpaid super will trigger Super Guarantee Charge, this includes a lot of work for filing the required documentation with ATO and involves penalties and Interest.
Work Rights:
- Before employing a person, get a copy of their visa/work-rights, This is good for the employee as well; We have seen a few cases where Immigration dept has taken issue with working beyond the authorized hours.
Minimum Wages:
- Ensure that the Wage rate meets the Minimum Wage at the very least. There was a recent increase to this, Currently the Minimum wage is $ 18.93 Per hour ( Casual Employees also get a 25% Loading). This needs to be monitored for changes, to avoid huge paybacks later.
- Wages depend upon the Industry and work done by the Employee, It is a good Idea to look up the awards to ascertain you are meeting all the obligations ( Wages, Loading, Leave Etc.,).
Record-Keeping best practices:
- Hiring a New Employee? Get these 3 Documents First!!!
- Employment Contract
- TFN Declaration Form
- Super Choice Form
- Employees must be given payslips on every pay-run (not once a year), Payslips may include Leave information.
- PAYG must be Lodged as per the ATO cycle and paid by due date, to avoid Interest and penalties; In certain cases Directors of the company may be held personally liable for these payments.
- Hiring a New Employee? Get these 3 Documents First!!!